Each episode focuses on a particular species, with Paul using his extensive angling knowledge to be Bob’s fishing guide, whilst Bob hunts out unique places to stay and prepares some ‘heart-healthy’ food.
Paul said: “It was a surprise to be honest as following the feedback from the second series, the BBC were quickly on to us to begin the third – so it was a very quick turnaround.
“Filming has started and this series we plan to showcase fishing through all four seasons.”
Paul and Bob will be looking to build on the universally positive reviews the shows second season received, whilst recognising this support, Paul was also keen to bring a new element to the show, as he explained:
“We really want to bring anglers together and highlight just a few of the issues that affect our sport, whilst still in keeping with the feel good factor of the show.
“I think that the angling community will be in a much stronger place if we can show a unified front on conservation issues and we have the audience to highlight some of those.”
So what can viewers expect in season three?
“There will be all the usual antics, laughs and tears. At the end of the day we are the fishing show for people who don’t go fishing.
“Bob likes to use a float and hopefully we can capture that magic of watching one, whilst probably behaving like a couple of kids”, Paul said.