Enforcement has been given a huge boost this year with the national roll-out of the Voluntary Bailiff Service. Additionally, countless police forces have pledged their support to battling angling crime.
More than 62,000 licences were checked in the last two years, resulting in 1,987 prosecution cases being filed for those caught without one.
Dilip Sarkar, the Angling Trust’s National Enforcement Manager, said: “The team effort by the EA, police, fishery owners and anglers from all over the country has been immensely effective.
“We have been able to empower anglers via the Voluntary Bailiff Service, train the police and courts, address the migrant angler issue and initiate multi-agency operations which have increased intelligence and support available to the EA.
“As a result, angling has never been in a stronger position to protect fish and fisheries and crack down on licence cheats.”
Among the most effective forces on the ground in 2015 and 2016 were the Environment Agency patrol teams, deployed weekly to check that anglers are obeying the law.