Although the tradition of fishing there dates back about 60 years, It has been suspended twice since 2008 amid claims anglers were causing bank erosion, damaging new planting and endangering wildlife. The number of platforms was restricted to four prior to the current ban, imposed in September 2010 and anglers have drawn up a 165-named petition calling for their re-instatement over an 18-month trial period.
Mr Thomas, from Oldbury, said it was unfair to blame law-abidding and legitimate anglers for problems at the pool.
“There is now much indisputable evidence to show that prejudice, exaggeration, distortions and even untruths have been used to conceal some hitherto inadequate site management and present a case for a complete ban on this long-established and valuable community leisure facility,” he added.
The Friends of Leasowes Park has supported the fishing ban but a council spokesman said the counter petition, containing 282 signatures calling for the ban to continue, had been submitted by a local resident.
Wednesday’s area meeting will start at 6.30pm