More than £12m is up for grabs as
The scheme, which is being run by the charity, Groundwork, on behalf of the supermarket giant, is funded every time someone buys a 5p carrier bag at Tesco.
Hundreds of projects have benefited by as much as £12,000 since the scheme began in October last year.
Huddersfield-based Learn2fish has already successfully applied for a pot of cash.
Applications for the next round of funding are now open, and bosses at the scheme are urging projects to come forward and apply, including those from angling.
Graham Duxbury, Groundwork UK chief executive, said: “Bags of Help is helping to create better and greener places for everyone to enjoy across the country.
“We’ve been thrilled to see the diversity of projects that have applied for funding – from community gardens to angling projects and everything in between.
“Now the scheme is permanently open for applications, and because grants can now be used for the development of local outdoor spaces, we expect angling groups like Learn2fish will now have an even greater chance to benefit.”
• The scheme is run by Groundwork UK on behalf of Tesco Plc to fund environmental and green space-based projects.
• The initiative is supported by money from the 5p charge levied on single-use carrier bags.
• 1,251 organisations from Tesco’s 416 regions up and down the UK will receive a share of the Bags of Help fund.
• More than 2,800 groups up and down the country applied for grants from the scheme. These were whittled down to three in each of Tesco’s regions by Tesco colleagues.
• For more information please visit: www.tesco.com/bagsofhelp
Find your local store and jot down the postcode. Then go online at: www.groundwork.org.uk and take the eligibility survey to apply.