A car sticker will also be included with your membership card.
Full Membership
(Adult Male / Female of 17 years and under 65 years) £40.00
Senior Membership
(Adult Male / Female of 65 years or more) £30.00
Junior Membership
(Child of 10 years and under 17 years) £15.00
Family Membership
(Husband, Wife or partner, two children under 17 years)* £80.00
Infant Membership
(Child under 10 years) £2.00
Non-Fishing Membership
(Male / Female of any age, allowed to be present at Association waters but not allowed to fish)** £5.00
Owing to the latest covid-19 restrictions, the BAA office is closed to all visitors.
Until further notice all business will be conducted via telephone, email or on-line. To get your memebership go to https://www.baa.uk.com