The volunteers receive training from Environment Agency enforcement officers and the Trust’s Fisheries Enforcement Support Service – a team of eight retired police officers, six of whom also manage the VBS network in their regions.
Volunteers also have the opportunity to attend joint patrols with the Environment Agency and police, understand the law and are trained in reporting what they see and hear to a high evidential standard.
Dilip Sarkar MBE, the Trust’s National Enforcement Manager, said: “We have come a very long way since the pilot project was launched and now have a sound foundation to take this further, increase engagement and provide more practical training. With nearly 500 volunteer bailiffs, their presence on riverbanks and lakesides will make a difference, both in reporting suspicious activity and deterring people from committing an offence.”
Graeme Storey, the Environment Agency’s national fisheries manager, said: “The vast majority of anglers do the right thing and buy a fishing licence; however, there are some people that try to evade buying a licence. Last year, enforcement officers checked more than 53,000 licences and prosecuted over 2,300 anglers. Our VBS carry out vital work and now having 474 VBS officers on the ground will create even greater deterrence.”