Thursday 6th June 2019
Tillington Hall Hotel, Eccleshall Road, Stafford ST16 1JJ
Tea and Coffee from 6:40pm - meeting begins 7:00pm (9:15pm close)
In association with the Environment Agency
Anglers National Line Recycling Scheme: How & why we should all get involved in recycling our old line. Don't forget to bring yours along to the Forum!
Angling Improvement Fund (AIF): We have £100,000 available for projects that involve protecting fisheries from predators. Applications will be accepted until 04/07/19.
Local Environment Agency Fisheries Team Updates: Find out how your licence money is spent
Your questions, ideas and opinions! During the meeting there will be plenty of time to ask the speakers questions, suggest ideas and make your opinion known. If you have a specific question to ask or would like to raise an issue, please contact us and let us know ahead of the meeting via [email protected]
To register, just click the link below:
Can't attend? See a full list of planned Regional Forums on the Angling Trust website here.