Halesowen North councillor Jeff Hill backed a petition put to the town’s area committee last week calling for Dudley Council to restore four fishing platforms at Priory Pool in Leasowes Park for an 18-month trial.
Friends chairman Marieanne Diller told the packed meeting angling was “not appropriate” for the park which had benefited from conservation work totalling almost £2 million and had earned a Green Space award this year.
Fishing has been suspended twice since 2008 amid accusations that anglers were causing bank erosion, damaging new planting and endangering wildlife.
But the claims were denied by the anglers and Dr Tate blamed “bad site management” for problems around the pool.
“To pretend it’s an ecological jewel is to be living on Planet Zarb,” he said.
Halesowen North councillor Hilary Bills said the park used to be an “exciting” place to visit, with canoeing and water gushing under the wooden bridge into the pool. She wondered if the disappearance of bullrushes had resulted in the silting up and criticised the number of fences that have been erected.
Cllr Bills said the park was now just a venue for dog walkers and urged the friends’ group and anglers to work together to resolve their issues.
A decision on whether to allow the fishing trial will be made by cabinet member for environment and culture Cllr Tracy Wood.