£150,000 is being made available in this latest round of funding and applications for up to £6,000 funding are invited from clubs, fisheries and other angling-related organisations.
For detailed information on the application process, eligibility criteria, and to submit your application, please visit our dedicated page here.
Andy Petch, Angling Trust Funding Manager, said: “This initiative represents a vital effort to safeguard our fisheries against predation pressures and ensure the health and sustainability of fish populations for future generations. We urge clubs and fisheries to consider how they might contribute to these efforts and take advantage of this funding opportunity.
“This AIF round is likely to be over-subscribed and therefore only the best submissions can be supported. If your club or fishery is considering applying, make sure you answer all the questions, ensure your project is ready to go with all permissions in place, and you have secured as much match funding as possible.”
Closing date for applications is Friday, 17 May, at 5pm.
Applicants requiring further assistance should email Andy via [email protected]
Information about other funding opportunities can be found here.
Watch: How to get funding for an otter fence, with Ian Chilcott