Gudgeon can be found in stillwaters, canals and rivers feeding on bottom dwelling organisms such as midge, caddis-fly and may-fly larvae. On either side of it's mouth there is a short, single barbule, it's throat is scaleless. It's back is brown, greyish brown or green with silvery or yellow sides adorned with a row of six to twelve large, dark spots. The Gudgeon prefers a clean, gravel bed and is nearly always found in large shoals.
Any method can be adopted for catching gudgeon but fishing with light tackle is more productive and more fun.
Baits to use
Maggot, caster, red worm, brandling, pieces of worm, small pieces of bread, bread punch, bloodworm - although buying bloodworm as bait for general gudgeon fishing to be expensive.
Any method can be adopted for catching gudgeon but fishing with light tackle is more productive and more fun.
Baits to use
Maggot, caster, red worm, brandling, pieces of worm, small pieces of bread, bread punch, bloodworm - although buying bloodworm as bait for general gudgeon fishing to be expensive.
Where to look for Gudgeon