The Dace is often found in shoals within rivers often frequenting the faster stretches.
It's streamlined body makes it a fast fish often seen taking flies from the surface. Occasionally mistaken for a small Chub, the Dace can easily be identified by it's concave anal fin. It's main diet consisting of larval and adult insects.
Dace will be found in different places depending on the time of year, in winter they can be found in deep pools or in slack water getting away from the flow to conserve energy. They move into the shallow riffles in February to breed. In the summer they can be found in shallow fast flowing water or close to the surface under the cover of a bridge or over hanging trees.
Baits to use
Because of their small mouth the main baits for catching Dace are casters, maggots, pinkies and squat's. Alternatively bloodworm, a small red worm, bread punch or small piece of bread flake can catch dace.
It's streamlined body makes it a fast fish often seen taking flies from the surface. Occasionally mistaken for a small Chub, the Dace can easily be identified by it's concave anal fin. It's main diet consisting of larval and adult insects.
Dace will be found in different places depending on the time of year, in winter they can be found in deep pools or in slack water getting away from the flow to conserve energy. They move into the shallow riffles in February to breed. In the summer they can be found in shallow fast flowing water or close to the surface under the cover of a bridge or over hanging trees.
Baits to use
Because of their small mouth the main baits for catching Dace are casters, maggots, pinkies and squat's. Alternatively bloodworm, a small red worm, bread punch or small piece of bread flake can catch dace.
Where to look for Dace