
If you fish on fresh waters one piece of equipment you will all have own in one form or another during our angling lifetime is a catapult. From the basic catapult we all start out with that we used for absolutely everything, right through to becoming the owner of your own catapult armoury, they are like odd socks, we all own em. As anglers skills progress and develop, so do the requirements and functions of a catapult, you soon learn that to achieve the best from any baited area you need a catapult that can give you pin point accuracy. To achieve this you end up with a multitude of catapult, one for each type of bait that you use and distance you require you bait to travel, to ensure you get your feed right where you want it every time.
Nothing beats a catapult for accurately feeding your swim with a wide variety of baits – but it’s important to select the correct design for the job.
Here are a selection of catapults:
Nothing beats a catapult for accurately feeding your swim with a wide variety of baits – but it’s important to select the correct design for the job.
Here are a selection of catapults:
Lightweight match-style catapults are tops for tight grouping of freebies, especially maggots, hemp and small pellets. Sensible sized pouches hold just the right amount of feed to drip it into a swim.
This boilie catapult is a good all-rounder for introducing small amounts of bait up to 60 yards with a good degree of accuracy. Providing the elastic is strong it’s possible to fire uniform 15 mm boilies 100 yards plus.
Catapults with large pouches are designed for mass feeding of particles such as corn, hemp and pellets at short range. Longer elastics provide a slow power acceleration for maximum distance with minimum spread and tight grouping.
For groundbait, you need a Whopper Dropper style catapult,. These are ideal to fire balls of groundbait without them breaking up. A rigid plastic holder and collapsible pouch holds balls centrally and prevents crushing when drawing back the strong elastic.